Department |
Department Head |
Phone |
Emails have unless otherwise noted. |
Fax |
504 Coordinator |
Lisa Kean |
201-526-8500 |
specialservices |
ext 760 |
Special Services Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Accounting |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Accounts Payable |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Accrediation and Renewal |
Adam Anderson |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Innovation and Advancement Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Administrative Operations |
Gloryvee Montanez |
201-526-8500 |
office |
ext 700 |
Office Manager |
201-526-7630 |
Admissions |
Melanie McBride |
201-526-8500 |
admissions |
ext 770 |
Student Recruiter and Family Liasion |
201-526-7630 |
Affirmative Action |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Assistant Lead Administrator and AAO Officer |
201-526-7638 |
Alumni Relations |
Cassandra Aronds |
201-526-8500 |
dean |
ext 730 |
Deans Office |
201-526-7637 |
Assessment, State & National |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
District Testing Coordinator & NWEA MAP Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Gabrielle Figueroa |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
School Testing Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Patrick Malpass |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Instructional Leader |
201-526-7630 |
Michelle Green |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Dual Enrolllment Coordinator & Accuplacer Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Data Warehousing/ECNJ.PSNet Administrator |
Maria Lopez |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
201-526-7630 |
Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities |
Josh Aronowitz |
201-526-8500 |
athletics |
ext 800 |
Athletic Director |
201-526-7630 |
Attendance, Daily |
Gladys Diaz, Maldonado |
201-526-8500 |
attendance |
ext 720 |
Deans Office |
201-526-7637 |
Attendance, Recovery & Truancy |
Gabrielle Figueroa |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
Counselor and Attenadnace Officer |
201-526-7638 |
Benefits, Employee Health |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Bilingual & ESL Education |
Lisa Kean |
201-526-8500 |
ext 760 |
Special Services Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Budget |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Career & Technical Education |
Colin Shallcross |
201-526-8500 |
ext 730 |
CTE Programs Administrator |
201-526-7637 |
Diemecha Harris |
201-526-8500 |
ext 770 |
STEM Vice Principal, Director Engineering & Technology Education |
201-526-7630 |
Child Study Team |
Lisa Kean |
201-526-8500 |
specialservices |
ext 760 |
Special Services Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
College Admissions Counseling |
Michelle Tarsitano |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
Guidance Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Gabrielle Figueroa |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
College Counselor |
201-526-7638 |
College & Career Readiness |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Assistant Lead Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Communication and Public Relations |
Melanie McBride |
201-526-8500 |
admissions |
ext 770 |
Student Recruiter and Family Liasion |
201-526-7630 |
Compliance Reporting |
Luisa Perez |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
Reporting Analyst |
201-526-7638 |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Assistant Lead Administrator & NJSMART Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Construction |
Robert Clark |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Curriculum Services |
Patrick Malpass |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Instructional Leader |
201-526-7630 |
Custodial Services |
Shamdat (AJ) Seepaul |
201-526-8500 |
maintenance |
ext 820 |
Maintenance Coordiantor |
201-526-7630 |
Data & Research |
Maria Lopez |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Data Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Development |
Adam Anderson |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Innovation and Advancement Administrator |
201-526-7632 |
Dual Enrollment / Early College |
Michelle Green |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Dual Enrolllment Coordinator & Accuplacer Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Employment Verification |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
Assistant Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Expanded Learning Time |
Patrick Malpass |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Instructional Leader |
201-526-7630 |
Facilities Maintenance and Management |
Robert Clark |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Family & Community Engagement |
Melanie McBride |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Family Liasion Student Recruiter |
201-526-7630 |
Finance |
Robert Clark |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Food Services |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
Assistant Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
General Counsel |
Barry Cooke |
732-855-6190 | |
Wilentz, Goldman and Spitzer |
732-726-6626 |
Guidance |
Michelle Tarsitano |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
Guidance Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Grants, Competitive and Entitlement |
Adam Anderson |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Innovation and Advancement Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying |
Gabrielle Figueroa |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
HIB Specialist |
201-526-7638 |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
HIB Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Health Services |
Kaitlyn Curran |
201-526-8500 |
nurse |
ext 710 |
School Nurse |
201-526-7635 |
Information Systems and Technology |
Adam Anderson |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Information Tech & CMS Administrator |
201-526-7632 |
Marial Lopez |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Instructional Technology, LMS & DW Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
SIS Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Rubens Emmanuel |
201-526-8500 |
it |
ext 810 |
IT Coordinator & Level I Support |
201-526-7630 |
Haipin Kheng |
201-526-8500 |
it |
ext 810 |
Network/Homeroom Administrator & Level II Support |
201-526-7630 |
Insurance & Workers Compensation |
Robert Clark |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Internal Audit |
Nisivoccia LLP |
973-328-1825 | |
200 Valley Rd #300, Mt Arlington, NJ |
973-328-0507 |
Labor & Employee Relations |
Joseph Dunn |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Human Resources Coordinator |
201-526-7632 |
Language Arts Literacy |
J. Ethan Bashir |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Humanities Vice Principal |
201-526-7630 |
Mathematics |
Diemecha Harris |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
STEM Vice Principal, Mathematics Director |
201-526-7630 |
Noelle Tabor |
201-526-8500 |
humanitiesteam |
ext 780 |
MS Curriculum, Assessment & Data Coordiantor Math |
201-526-7630 |
Janet Da Rocha |
201-526-8500 |
humanitiesteam |
ext 780 |
HS Curriculum, Assessment & Data Coordiantor Math |
201-526-7630 |
Office of the Superintendent |
Jospeh Dunn |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Confidential Executive Assitant |
201-526-7632 |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Assistant Lead Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Ian Fallstich |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Lead Adminsitrator and CEO |
201-526-7632 |
Operations |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Asistant Lead Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Payroll |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
Assistant Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Pedagogy and Teacher Evaluation |
Patrick Malpass |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Instructional Leader |
201-526-7630 |
Physical Education & Health |
Joshua Aronowitz |
201-526-8500 |
athletics |
ext 800 |
Athletic Director |
201-526-7630 |
Professional Development, Instruction |
Patrick Malpass |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Instructional Leader |
201-526-7630 |
Maria Lopez |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Data Adminsitrator |
201-526-7630 |
Professional Development, Non-Instruction |
Madelyn Dullea |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Asistant Lead Administrator |
201-526-7638 |
Project Management |
Adam Anderson |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Innovation and Advancement Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Pupil Transportation |
Gloryvee Montanez |
201-526-8500 |
office |
ext 700 |
Office Manager |
201-526-7630 |
Purchasing |
Jayson Gutierrez |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
Assistant Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Records/Transcripts/ Verification, Students |
Luisa Perez |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
Guidance Office |
201-526-7638 |
Gloryvee Montanez |
201-526-8500 |
office |
ext 700 |
Office Manager and Registrar |
201-526-7630 |
Registration, Students |
Gloryvee Montanez |
201-526-8500 |
office |
ext 700 |
Office Manager and Registrar |
201-526-7630 |
School Business Administrator |
Robert Clark |
201-526-8500 |
sba |
ext 870 |
School Business Administrator |
201-526-7631 |
Science Education |
Diemecha Harris |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
STEM Vice Principal, Director Science Education |
201-526-7630 |
Security and Safety |
Collin Shallcross |
201-526-8500 |
dean |
ext 730 |
Dean of Students |
201-526-7637 |
Service Learning / Volunteering |
Sheryl Zamora |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
SLE and Service Learning Coordinator |
201-526-7630 |
Social Studies & Multicultural Education |
J. Ethan Bashir |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Humanities Vice Principal, Director Social Studies Education |
201-526-7630 |
Special Education |
Lisa Kean |
201-526-8500 |
specialservices |
ext 760 |
Special Services Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Structured Learning Experiene/Internship |
Sheryl Zamora |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
SLE and Service Learning Coordinator |
201-526-7630 |
Office of Student Support Services |
Michelle Tarsitano |
201-526-8500 |
guidance |
ext 750 |
Guidance Coordinator |
201-526-7638 |
Talent Development & Employee Search |
Joseph Dunn |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Human Resources Coordinator |
201-526-7632 |
Title I – Federal Programs |
Adam Anderson |
201-526-8500 |
lead |
ext 880 |
Innovation and Advancement Administrator |
201-526-7630 |
Treasurer |
Lerch Vinci and Higgins |
201-791-7100 | |
17-17 NJ-208, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 |
201-791-3035 |
World Languages |
J. Ethan Bashir |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
Humanities Vice Principal, Director World Language Education |
201-526-7630 |
Visual / Performing Arts |
Diemecha Harris |
201-526-8500 |
instructionaladministrators |
ext 770 |
STEM Vice Principal, Director Arts Education |
201-526-7630 |