M.E.T.S. Charter School, in cooperation with Jersey City and Newark emergency services, has developed extensive emergency management plans. The plans are reviewed and tested on a yearly basis.
EMERGENCY DRILLS: In 2010, the State of New Jersey enacted a new law that requires schools to conduct one fire drill per month and one security drill per month. A security drill is defined as an exercise, other than a fire drill, to practice procedures that respond to emergency situations. The law requires schools to hold a minimum of two drills annually in each of the following areas: a non-fire evacuation, a bomb threat, a lockdown, and an active shooter on the premises. This law replaced the previous one which required schools to hold only two fire drills per month. Drills are unannounced so that we are prepared for an unexpected situation.
IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION: As concerned partners in your child's safety and well-being while they are in our care, we hope that we are never faced with a serious incident.
However, in the unlikely event of such an occurrence, you can be confident that the school district's crisis management team has provided for the highest level of safety possible for the children.
What Parents Should Know
The District has a comprehensive emergency plan developed for each individual school. In the case of a real emergency, our first concern is for the safety of students and staff. We will make every effort to accommodate your concerns as soon as possible after the needs of the students have been met, are safe, and under adult supervision.
You can help:
Remain calm. Please cooperate with school and public safety officials.
Do NOT go to the school. Emergency vehicles may need to respond and traffic and parking congestion could hamper access.
Keep phone lines open. The school will need open phone lines for emergency communications.
Be patient. You will be notified as soon as possible, and told where and when to pick up students.
Check this website for news.

Emergency Procedures
Depending on the nature of the occurrence, one of the following procedures will be put into effect:
Evacuation. If it is unsafe for students and staff to stay inside, they will be moved to one of several predetermined safe locations. Directions given by local public safety officials will then be followed. An evacuation could be triggered by an event such as fire, bomb threat, or air safety concerns due to chemicals.
Lockdown. If there is a threat of violence outside the school building, or an intruder who presents a potential threat to the safety of students and staff, a lockdown will take place. In this procedure doors are locked and students are moved to a specific location within the room. Directions by public safety officials will then be followed.
Shelter-in-Place. If there is a threat of severe weather, biological or chemical hazardous material exposure outside the school building, or other potential danger outside the building, a shelter-in-place procedure will be conducted. Students and staff will move to predetermined safe locations in the building (interior rooms away from windows and doors). Directions by public safety officials will then be followed.
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