M.E.T.S by the numbers 





maximum students per class






        adult/student ratio






    student days per year

Fundamental Principles
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M.E.T.S. Charter School’s educational practices of teaching and learning are rooted in Dr. Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools model.  Dr. Sizer’s model is based on nine fundamental principles.

These nine principles will be incorporated as part of M.E.T.S. educational philosophy.

M.E.T.S. is committed to enhancing the educational experience of every child by incorporating the Coalition of Essential Schools model. M.E.T.S. will incorporate Dr. Theodore Sizer’s nine principles in the following manor: 


Principle 1: Less is more Integrating Curriculum: Separate subject areas will be blended into broad themes and concepts rather than isolated subjects and skills. Content areas covered into broad themes will include social studies, math, performing arts, science, writing, reading, listening, speaking and the integration of technology.(Guided research, integrating curriculum, "uncovering" curriculum)

Principle 2: Intellectual Focus Alternative Teaching Strategies: M.E.T.S. will require educators to “break the mold” by developing alternative pedagogical strategies. M.E.T.S. administrators will provide a plethora of professional development opportunities for staff members. The founders are cognitive that no two children learn alike.(Creative thinking, engaging minds, essential questions, alternative teaching strategies)

Principle 3: Universal goals Learning and Mind Styles: It is the very foundation of schools that each student must be viewed as an individual with unique learning and mind styles. Teachers will be required to take a constructivist approach, i.e., they will look at how each student learns and thinks and then use this information to expand on the students’ learning style. Educators at M.E.T.S. will not be conduits of information, but conduits of opportunities for students to gather their own knowledge.(Themes, learning and mind styles, interdisciplinary approaches, inclusion)

Principle 4: Creative Administration PlanThe staff at M.E.T.S. will be recognized for their own individual pedagogical and epistemological styles. These differences will enable our educators to also respect their students’ strengths, as such, students will experience success in the learning process. Success breeds positive self-esteem. (Changing status of present structures and schedules, differentiated roles for all, staff development)

Principle 5: Personalization Each student’s learning environment will be personalized to meet his/her individual needs ensuring each child meets their fullest potential. Each class will be constructed into smaller learning groups or teams. This model enables each child to become an integral part of a learning community. This will allow each student to develop a deeper understanding of content while promoting his or her self-esteem.(Learning styles, student self-esteem, common planning time, teams and houses)

Principle 6: Staff Educators Developing Curriculum: Educators involved in the development of curriculum tools tend to embrace, as well as internalize the curriculum more then educators who are delegated what to teach. M.E.T.S. educators will have an integral role in the selection of standards that exceed that of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. M.E.T.S. curriculum will reflect best practices that ensure a core body of knowledge is delivered effectively.(Participatory management, teachers developing curriculum, changing teaching practices)

Principle 7: Student as Worker Cooperative Learning/Commitment and Responsibility: M.E.T.S. will require every family, parent, and child to sign a contract depicting their responsibility to school. Code of Conduct. M.E.T.S. families will acknowledge that they are making a commitment to their own learning and are held liable for their role as an active participant in the learning process. M.E.T.S. will also implement hands on learning; inquiry-based research projects, science experimentation, hands-on technology that is integrated and problem driven, CRISS (Creating Independence through Student-owned Strategies, Reciprocal Teaching, Small learning communities) etc.(Cooperative learning, student involvement, commitment, and responsibility empowered student/teacher as coaches)

Principle 8: Demonstration of Mastery Performance Assessments: An integral part of M.E.T.S. methodology for identifying children’s educational strengths and weaknesses will be based on performance assessments. These performance assessments will range from formative to summative assessments such as, educator observations, peer and self-evaluations, service projects, presentations, interim benchmarks, midterms/finals, baseline assessments, units exams, and portfolios.(Performance assessments, planning backwards, exhibitions and portfolios)

Principle 9: Attitude Parent Involvement: Parental involvement will be expected to play an integral role in M.E.T.S. success. The educational philosophy of M.E.T.S. centers on building a love of learning through strong family collaboration. Learning best occurs for the children when schools work in conjunction with families. Students understand that their parents/guardians are well informed of the schools and teachers expectations hence, maximizing the learning by the children.(Parent involvement, colleagueship, comradeship, trust and decency, and cooperation)

The teaching methods described above have been designed with the M.E.T.S. Charter School mission in mind. These strategies create the appropriate environment to enable students to become confident, self-directed, and responsible life-long learners.
M.E.T.S. Charter School will open “windows to the world” by creating a student with an expanded intellect in the math and sciences. M.E.T.S. Charter School will ensure its mission by providing students with a world-class education by emphasizing critical thinking skills through mathematics, engineering, technology, and science as well as focusing on bilingualism through Mandarin Chinese.
The teaching methods and approaches used at M.E.T.S. Charter School will be tailored for each individual student.  The School believes that through the implementation of best practices and immersion techniques, students will perform at their maximum levels.  Administrators, teachers, and staff members at M.E.T.S. Charter School will continuously monitor student progress to ensure that each child’s performance maintains a steady level of improvement as they progress through our institute.

The teaching methods described above have been designed with the M.E.T.S. Charter School mission in mind. These strategies create the appropriate environment to enable students to become confident, self-directed, and responsible life-long learners.  

M.E.T.S. Charter School will open “windows to the world” by creating a student with an expanded intellect in the math and sciences. M.E.T.S. Charter School will ensure its mission by providing students with a world-class education by emphasizing critical thinking skills through mathematics, engineering, technology, and science.

The teaching methods and approaches used at M.E.T.S. Charter School will be tailored for each individual student.  The School believes that through the implementation of best practices and immersion techniques, students will perform at their maximum levels. Administrators, teachers, and staff members at M.E.T.S. Charter School will continuously monitor student progress to ensure that each child’s performance maintains a steady level of improvement as they progress through our institute.



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