M.E.T.S. Alma mater
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Striving for excellence,
not short of quintessence,
for we dare to be
Pushing for higher
Standards of learning,
Fueling our fire
To keep our hearts burning
with math, engineering,
and science we can be
the best we can be.
With pride in orange and blue,
you can't misconstrue
that we are METS Charter School,
no one can outdo.
Striving for excellence,
not short of quintessence,
for we dare to be
Pushing for higher
standards of learning,
fueling our fire,
to keep our hearts burning.

Striving for excellence,

not short of quintessence,

for we dare to beextraordinary.


Pushing for higher

Standards of learning,

Fueling our fire

To keep our hearts burning

with math, engineering,


and science we can be 

the best we can be.

With pride in orange and blue,

you can't misconstrue

that we are METS Charter School,

no one can outdo.


Striving for excellence,

not short of quintessence,

for we dare to beextraordinary


Pushing for higher

standards of learning,

fueling our fire,

to keep our hearts burning.


dare to be extraordinary