Five unique features of M.E.T.S. Charter School educational program are:
1. Curriculum: Mathematics, Engineering, Technology and Science enriched program along with offering Mandarin Chinese to all students starting in grade 6.
2. Leadership Education: Our eight habits of highly effective people leadership program is designed to produce a safe school, which has a culture of care and a climate of success. The culture and climate are core elements of the foundation for promoting positive social and emotional development, for increasing positive behaviors in children, and for reducing antisocial behaviors among school children.
3. Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum: Our interdisciplinary approach will organize the curriculum around common learning disciplines, particularly key elements of mathematics, engineering, science, technology and literacy in order to emphasize interdisciplinary skills and concepts. Research indicates that students participating in interdisciplinary, core curriculum leads to increased achievement scores for all students, especially for at-risk students.
4. Community Enrichment Program: M.E.T.S. Charter School will connect our school with the community, universities e.g., NOVA University-Fischler School of Education and William Paterson University, businesses, and family support groups such as Family Support Organization of Hudson County and Project 99 in order to contribute value added worth to the community through service learning projects this will ensure that our students not only achieve academic excellence but are also contributing members of the community.
5. Individualized, Differentiated Pedagogy: M.E.T.S. educators will use a numerous pedagogical strategies, such as providing different learning opportunities for students functioning at different academic levels. Every student enrolled in M.E.T.S. will be provided with an Individual Student Plan (ISP) that is periodically modified in order to meet the learning goals/needs of the student. Teachers and administrators, in conjunction with parents will devise these (ISP’s) that are aligned to the appropriate grade level and NJCCCS objectives. 

Five unique features of M.E.T.S. Charter School educational program are:
1. Curriculum:
Mathematics, Engineering, Technology and Science enriched program to all students in grades 6 - 12.